
What do far-right parties do for the climate when they are in power?

This article explores the environmental policies of far-right parties when they hold power, focusing on the tension between their often anti-environmental stances and the urgent need for climate action. The article examines the policies of several far-right governments, including those of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, Donald Trump in the United States, and Viktor Orbán in Hungary. It highlights how these governments have rolled back environmental regulations, promoted fossil fuel industries, and undermined international climate agreements. The article also explores the reasons behind this trend, including the far-right's populist appeal, their close ties to industry, and their distrust of scientific consensus on climate change. It concludes by emphasizing the crucial need for strong international cooperation to address the climate crisis, even in the face of political challenges posed by far-right governments.


"The article concludes by highlighting the urgency of international cooperation to tackle the climate crisis, even with the challenges posed by far-right governments who often prioritize economic growth and industry over environmental protection."

Mis à jour le: 06.25.2024

far-right parties
climate change
Rassemblement National


What do far-right parties do for the climate when they are in power?

Climate is generally not a priority for such parties. In France, the subject is virtually absent from the Rassemblement National's policy platform.