
Video. What's the history behind France's far-right Rassemblement National party?

This video provides a concise overview of the history of France's far-right Rassemblement National (RN) party, formerly known as the Front National. It traces its origins back to the 1970s, highlighting its evolution from a fringe group to a major political force. The video emphasizes the key figures and events that shaped the party's trajectory, including its founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, his daughter Marine Le Pen, and the various electoral campaigns that have seen the party gain increasing support. It also touches upon the party's platform, which centers around anti-immigration, anti-EU sentiment, and a strong emphasis on French national identity. The video concludes by discussing the party's current standing and its potential for future success in French politics.


"The video offers a succinct and informative account of the Rassemblement National party's history, highlighting its transformation and the factors contributing to its political prominence in France. It underscores the complex dynamics of far-right politics in a contemporary European context."

Mis à jour le: 06.20.2024

Rassemblement National
Front National


Video. What's the history behind France's far-right Rassemblement National party?

Video - Formerly known as the Front National, the far-right party was founded in 1972 by a neo-fascist group. It achieved historic success in France's EU elections on June 9, garnering 31.5% of the vote.